At the foot of the Andes
Leave YOUR FOOTPRINT next to ours

San Ignacio is a triple-impact family enterprise that generates environmental and social benefits in its surroundings. Our mission is to revalue the use and development of the Mendoza foothills, favouring the regeneration of the native plants.

The Mendoza foothills in Argentina is a fragile ecosystem of great environmental value because it regulates alluvium, recharges the aquifer and retains the soil, among other benefits. San Ignacio Estancia Andina is located at the foothills at 1500 meters above sea level… it is a magical place, a mountain oasis.

Our actions.

They are focused and designed to generate a positive environmental impact in the area and a social impact in the suburb of La Favorita.

Every winter we plant native trees on our property (we have already planted more than 120!) and we take care of more than 10 hectares of native plants.

We only offer experiences that connect with nature and protect it, discouraging erosive activities such as motocross. We teach our visitors environmental education, gardening and composting… Above all, we show them that a lifestyle in harmony with nature is possible.

In our value chain, we benefit families in the La Favorita community and support neighbourhood children’s gardens.

We invite you to experience the mountain at its best, be part of San Ignacio and leave with us… YOUR footprint at the foothill of The Andes.